Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer Reading Question 9/14

What genre would you classify The Diary of  A Part-Time Indian under? Who is the audience for this text? What is the message?  Why? Be sure to back your argument up with a specific example.


  1. this book is very inappropriate content has lots of things like saying that he masturbates and is ambidextrous witch is another thing this book has some advanced language that young reader may not understand,this book may also swear a little so this book may be for a little more experienced reader like a 12+year reader because of all the diffident reasons

    1. oh my gosh i just wrote like 7 paragraphs responding to this. i hate this website. ok anyways let me take 20 more minutes out of my valuable time time to type some more.
      ANYWAYS, i agree with chris. i think the book had some innapropriate content and would be suitable for a more mature age such as 13 and up. the genre for this book would probably be biography or novel becaused the author, Sherman Aleie, based it off his own experiences.
      plain and simple the message in the story is, life sucks sometimews but you get through it. an outcast native american made it through changing to an all white school. it shows that even the toughest struggles can turn out to be good. you cant get to the other side of a mountain without climbing it. unless you walk around it...whatever you cant walk around this mountain. you have to climb it. junior, the main character in this book, went through family struggles, friend struggles, and outside/inside of school struggles. his life was a mess. but by setting high goals for himself, he managed to overcome his physical and mental weaknesses that were holding him back.i wasnt supposed to write a lot...oops...
